:Preparation of nitrogen doped clews-like carbon materials and their application as the electrode in supercapacitor论文

:Preparation of nitrogen doped clews-like carbon materials and their application as the electrode in supercapacitor论文


作者(2019)在《Preparation of nitrogen doped clews-like carbon materials and their application as the electrode in supercapacitor》一文中研究指出:In this work, nitrogen doped clews-like carbon materials were successfully fabricated through hydrothermal polymerization method, followed by post treatment that integrated the carbonization,activation and post-nitrogen doping into one process. This preparation method can form particular hierarchical porous structure without using any sacrificial templates. The experimental results show that the nitrogen doped clews-like hierarchical porous carbon materials possess a relatively high specific surface area of 815 m~2/g with the nitrogen content of 10.58 at%. The electrochemical properties show that the resulting sample delivers 258 F/g at a 0.5 A/g and excellent capacity retention of 79% at 20 A/g. After conducting 10,000 charge-discharge cycles at 10 A/g, the capacitance retention of 98.3% is achieved.These intriguing results demonstrate that the obtained nitrogen doped clews-like carbon materials will be promising electrode materials for supercapacitor and other energy storage devices.


In this work, nitrogen doped clews-like carbon materials were successfully fabricated through hydrothermal polymerization method, followed by post treatment that integrated the carbonization,activation and post-nitrogen doping into one process. This preparation method can form particular hierarchical porous structure without using any sacrificial templates. The experimental results show that the nitrogen doped clews-like hierarchical porous carbon materials possess a relatively high specific surface area of 815 m~2/g with the nitrogen content of 10.58 at%. The electrochemical properties show that the resulting sample delivers 258 F/g at a 0.5 A/g and excellent capacity retention of 79% at 20 A/g. After conducting 10,000 charge-discharge cycles at 10 A/g, the capacitance retention of 98.3% is achieved.These intriguing results demonstrate that the obtained nitrogen doped clews-like carbon materials will be promising electrode materials for supercapacitor and other energy storage devices.


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    :Preparation of nitrogen doped clews-like carbon materials and their application as the electrode in supercapacitor论文
