![:Insights into the Effect of a Natural Arsenate Dose on Growth,Nodulation and Redox Metabolism of Soybean Plants论文](https://www.lw00.cn/thumb/b58617132325640f04eae56e.webp)
作者(2019)在《Insights into the Effect of a Natural Arsenate Dose on Growth,Nodulation and Redox Metabolism of Soybean Plants》一文中研究指出:Dear Editor,Arsenic(As) is a harmful metalloid that occurs in soil and water; its concentration varies considerably among geographic regions, with groundwater being the principal source of human contamination(Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002). Besides the direct contamination effect of drinking water that contains high As concentration, human poisoning may also occur after inges-
Dear Editor,Arsenic(As) is a harmful metalloid that occurs in soil and water; its concentration varies considerably among geographic regions, with groundwater being the principal source of human contamination(Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002). Besides the direct contamination effect of drinking water that contains high As concentration, human poisoning may also occur after inges-
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:Insights into the Effect of a Natural Arsenate Dose on Growth,Nodulation and Redox Metabolism of Soybean Plants论文