作者(2019)在《Joining of C_f/SiC composite to GH783 superalloy with NiPdPtAu-Cr filler alloy and a Mo interlayer》一文中研究指出:With assistance of Mo interlayer, joining of Cf/Si C composite to GH783 superalloy was carried out using Ni Pd Pt Au-Cr filler alloy. Under the brazing condition of 1200?C for 10 min, the maximum joint strength of 98.5 MPa at room temperature was achieved when the thickness of Mo interlayer was 0.5 mm. Furthermore, the corresponding joint strength tested at 800?C and 900?C was even elevated to 123.8 MPa and133.0 MPa, respectively. On one hand, the good high-temperature joint strength was mainly attributed to the formation of the refractory Mo-Ni-Si ternary compound within the joint. On the other hand, the residual Mo interlayer as a hard buffer, can release the residual thermal stresses within the dissimilar joint.The Cf/Si C-Mo bonding interface was still the weak link over the whole joint, and the cracks propagated throughout the whole reaction zone between the Cf/Si C composite and the Mo interlayer.
With assistance of Mo interlayer, joining of Cf/Si C composite to GH783 superalloy was carried out using Ni Pd Pt Au-Cr filler alloy. Under the brazing condition of 1200?C for 10 min, the maximum joint strength of 98.5 MPa at room temperature was achieved when the thickness of Mo interlayer was 0.5 mm. Furthermore, the corresponding joint strength tested at 800?C and 900?C was even elevated to 123.8 MPa and133.0 MPa, respectively. On one hand, the good high-temperature joint strength was mainly attributed to the formation of the refractory Mo-Ni-Si ternary compound within the joint. On the other hand, the residual Mo interlayer as a hard buffer, can release the residual thermal stresses within the dissimilar joint.The Cf/Si C-Mo bonding interface was still the weak link over the whole joint, and the cracks propagated throughout the whole reaction zone between the Cf/Si C composite and the Mo interlayer.
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标签:Journal of Materials Science & Technology2019年09期论文;
:Joining of C_f/SiC composite to GH783 superalloy with NiPdPtAu-Cr filler alloy and a Mo interlayer论文