:Floristic diversity and composition of the Biteyu forest in the Gurage mountain chain (Ethiopia): implications for forest conservation论文

:Floristic diversity and composition of the Biteyu forest in the Gurage mountain chain (Ethiopia): implications for forest conservation论文


作者(2019)在《Floristic diversity and composition of the Biteyu forest in the Gurage mountain chain (Ethiopia): implications for forest conservation》一文中研究指出:The Afromontane forests of Ethiopia have been under a serious degradation threat. Assessment of floristic diversity and species composition in Biteyu forest of Gurage mountain chain in the central Ethiopia was conducted to examine the pattern of forest structure. Thirty plots of 30 m×30 m were used to record the vegetation and environmental data using systematic sampling technique. The local name, plant scientific names, DBH, height,species abundance and percentage canopy cover of plant species were recorded. Shannon diversity index and Sorensen’s coefficients was used for comparison among communities and similar forests in the country. Threats to the forest biodiversity in Biteyu were determined by counting cattle interference and wood stumps as disturbance indicators. Relative Euclidean Distance measures by using Ward’s method(linkage) was applied for cluster analysis. Environmental variables were also recorded in each plot. Woody species population structure, basal area and importance value index were analyzed using spreadsheet programs. Data on species distribution and environmental variables in the forest were analyzed by canonical correspondence analysis. A total of 190 species in 154 genera under 73 families were identified. Twenty species were found to be endemic taxa to the Flora Area. Only three plant community types were identified from the cluster analysis due to the high human influence. The Sorensen’s coefficient showed the resemblance of the Biteyu forest with other Dry Evergreen Afromontane forests in the country. Moreover, altitude and slope strongly affect the species composition and structure of Biteyu forest. Given the high anthropogenic influence, high endemism, high dependence of the local community on the forest resources, forest conservation and restoration measures should be done by stakeholders.


The Afromontane forests of Ethiopia have been under a serious degradation threat. Assessment of floristic diversity and species composition in Biteyu forest of Gurage mountain chain in the central Ethiopia was conducted to examine the pattern of forest structure. Thirty plots of 30 m×30 m were used to record the vegetation and environmental data using systematic sampling technique. The local name, plant scientific names, DBH, height,species abundance and percentage canopy cover of plant species were recorded. Shannon diversity index and Sorensen’s coefficients was used for comparison among communities and similar forests in the country. Threats to the forest biodiversity in Biteyu were determined by counting cattle interference and wood stumps as disturbance indicators. Relative Euclidean Distance measures by using Ward’s method(linkage) was applied for cluster analysis. Environmental variables were also recorded in each plot. Woody species population structure, basal area and importance value index were analyzed using spreadsheet programs. Data on species distribution and environmental variables in the forest were analyzed by canonical correspondence analysis. A total of 190 species in 154 genera under 73 families were identified. Twenty species were found to be endemic taxa to the Flora Area. Only three plant community types were identified from the cluster analysis due to the high human influence. The Sorensen’s coefficient showed the resemblance of the Biteyu forest with other Dry Evergreen Afromontane forests in the country. Moreover, altitude and slope strongly affect the species composition and structure of Biteyu forest. Given the high anthropogenic influence, high endemism, high dependence of the local community on the forest resources, forest conservation and restoration measures should be done by stakeholders.


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    :Floristic diversity and composition of the Biteyu forest in the Gurage mountain chain (Ethiopia): implications for forest conservation论文
