
- 答:Everyone want to be famous,but did ever you think about it?
To be an individual who is the notable person has many excellent advantages:first of all,it would help the people to earn money easily; secondly,for some people,to be famous can let them feel better,fulfilling their desire; of course,in modern society to be famous is an symbol for essful.
However,it would take many things away from you,that means if you have a household name,you must lose somethings.To begin with,you may not have your own life:public would bother you all the time,and if you make any tiny mistakes,others will laugh you.In addition,it brings you glut of stress in you everyday life.
Thus,we cannot give this problem a precise indefition.
问:如果我想成名 我该为世界做些什么的英语作文
- 答:hichplacedoyouwanttogomost?Inmyopinion,YunnanProviceistheplacewhereIwanttogomost.IhopeIcantraveltoYunnanbytrain.IhadreadsomeinformationaboutYunnan.Ithasthebluestskyandthecleanestwat
问:关于你对成功的看法 议论文,英语的作文 急!
- 答:关于你对成功的看法 议论文 可以去591论文网上搜一下,如有问题也可请网站在线老师帮忙。我的毕业论文就这么搞定的O(∩_∩)O~