:Water Requirement Rules and Production of Highland Barley in Different Sowing Time and Irrigation Levels论文

:Water Requirement Rules and Production of Highland Barley in Different Sowing Time and Irrigation Levels论文


作者(2019)在《Water Requirement Rules and Production of Highland Barley in Different Sowing Time and Irrigation Levels》一文中研究指出:Water requirement rules and production of highland barley in different sowing time and irrigation levels were studied according to the data in field trial of 2016-2017. Based on analyzing the experimental results,the optimal irrigation scheduling and amount in the growth period of highland barley were proposed,which was of great significance to the unification of water saving and high yield of highland barley in the arid agricultural area of Tibet.


Water requirement rules and production of highland barley in different sowing time and irrigation levels were studied according to the data in field trial of 2016-2017. Based on analyzing the experimental results,the optimal irrigation scheduling and amount in the growth period of highland barley were proposed,which was of great significance to the unification of water saving and high yield of highland barley in the arid agricultural area of Tibet.


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    :Water Requirement Rules and Production of Highland Barley in Different Sowing Time and Irrigation Levels论文
