作者潘伦,艾敏华,张香文,孔德超,邹吉军(2019)在《Constructing TiO2 or ZnO p-n homojunction via metal/oxygen defects modulation for efficient photocatalysis》一文中研究指出:Photocatalysis has been regarded as one of the best strategies for hydrogen energy production (from water) and environmental remediation (degradation), for which the selection of highly efficient p
Photocatalysis has been regarded as one of the best strategies for hydrogen energy production (from water) and environmental remediation (degradation), for which the selection of highly efficient p
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标签:第十届国际(中国)功能材料及其应用学术会议; 第六届国际多功能材料与结构学术大会; 首届国际新材料前沿发展大会2019-11-23论文;
潘伦:Constructing TiO2 or ZnO p-n homojunction via metal/oxygen defects modulation for efficient photocatalysis论文