作者(2019)在《Van der Waals integration of 2D atomic crystals for advanced multifunctional devices》一文中研究指出:Semiconductor heterostructures play a key role in the development of solid-state electronic and optoelectronic devices. They are generally realized via traditional epitaxial integration, namely two or more dissimilar materials, with matching crystal lattice, polarity and thermal expansion coefficients, are grown on the surface of each other. In recent years, along with the booming development
Semiconductor heterostructures play a key role in the development of solid-state electronic and optoelectronic devices. They are generally realized via traditional epitaxial integration, namely two or more dissimilar materials, with matching crystal lattice, polarity and thermal expansion coefficients, are grown on the surface of each other. In recent years, along with the booming development
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:Van der Waals integration of 2D atomic crystals for advanced multifunctional devices论文