:Effect of Inter Stock ‘Zhong ai 1hao’on the Structure of Spindle-shaped ’Huangguan’ Pear Trees论文

:Effect of Inter Stock ‘Zhong ai 1hao’on the Structure of Spindle-shaped ’Huangguan’ Pear Trees论文


作者(2019)在《Effect of Inter Stock ‘Zhong ai 1hao’on the Structure of Spindle-shaped ’Huangguan’ Pear Trees》一文中研究指出:In order to investigate the effect of dwarfing inter stock on the structure of pear trees,investigations were made to the tree and group structure of the 4-year-old spindle-shaped‘Huangguan’pear grafted with vigorous stock( Pyrus betulaefolia stock) and that grafted with the dwarfing inter stock‘Zhong ai 1 hao’( P. betulaefolia rootstock). The results showed that the 4-year-old‘Huangguan’pear trees grafted with the dwarfing inter stock‘ Zhong ai 1 hao’were 2. 87 m high on average,with 70. 70% of short braches,converted into 21 016. 0 branches per 667 m~2,840. 64 m~2 of leaf area per 667 m~2 with the leaf area coefficient of 1. 75.On the other hand,for the‘Huangguan’trees grafted with vigorous stocks,the average tree height was 3. 17 m,and the short branch proportion was 63. 20%,converted into 15 806. 4 branches per 667 m~2,719. 28 m~2 of leaf area per 667 m~2 with the leaf area coefficient of 1. 55. Therefore,the use of dwarfing inter stock‘Zhong ai 1 hao’had significant dwarfing effect on‘Huangguan’pear trees,which also showed significant yield increasing effect.


In order to investigate the effect of dwarfing inter stock on the structure of pear trees,investigations were made to the tree and group structure of the 4-year-old spindle-shaped‘Huangguan’pear grafted with vigorous stock( Pyrus betulaefolia stock) and that grafted with the dwarfing inter stock‘Zhong ai 1 hao’( P. betulaefolia rootstock). The results showed that the 4-year-old‘Huangguan’pear trees grafted with the dwarfing inter stock‘ Zhong ai 1 hao’were 2. 87 m high on average,with 70. 70% of short braches,converted into 21 016. 0 branches per 667 m~2,840. 64 m~2 of leaf area per 667 m~2 with the leaf area coefficient of 1. 75.On the other hand,for the‘Huangguan’trees grafted with vigorous stocks,the average tree height was 3. 17 m,and the short branch proportion was 63. 20%,converted into 15 806. 4 branches per 667 m~2,719. 28 m~2 of leaf area per 667 m~2 with the leaf area coefficient of 1. 55. Therefore,the use of dwarfing inter stock‘Zhong ai 1 hao’had significant dwarfing effect on‘Huangguan’pear trees,which also showed significant yield increasing effect.


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    :Effect of Inter Stock ‘Zhong ai 1hao’on the Structure of Spindle-shaped ’Huangguan’ Pear Trees论文
