:Bifunctional metal–organic frameworks toward photocatalytic CO2reduction by post-synthetic ligand exchange论文

:Bifunctional metal–organic frameworks toward photocatalytic CO2reduction by post-synthetic ligand exchange论文


作者(2019)在《Bifunctional metal–organic frameworks toward photocatalytic CO2reduction by post-synthetic ligand exchange》一文中研究指出:Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to useful fuel has been identified as a promising strategy to address the energy and environmental issues. Development of welldefined photocatalysts toward CO2 reduction has attracted increasing interest to gain insight into the reactive mechanism. Herein, by post-synthetic ligand exchange, a bifunctional Re-based metal–organic framework(MOF)was successfully prepared. It not only serves as a photosensitizer but also acts as a catalyst for photochemical reduction of CO2. Furthermore, it is found that a Re-based MOF containing 30% Re-based ligands displays improved activity compared to MOF with 100% Re-based ligands.This work provides clues to the design and synthesis of bifunctional MOFs toward photocatalytic CO2reduction.


Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to useful fuel has been identified as a promising strategy to address the energy and environmental issues. Development of welldefined photocatalysts toward CO2 reduction has attracted increasing interest to gain insight into the reactive mechanism. Herein, by post-synthetic ligand exchange, a bifunctional Re-based metal–organic framework(MOF)was successfully prepared. It not only serves as a photosensitizer but also acts as a catalyst for photochemical reduction of CO2. Furthermore, it is found that a Re-based MOF containing 30% Re-based ligands displays improved activity compared to MOF with 100% Re-based ligands.This work provides clues to the design and synthesis of bifunctional MOFs toward photocatalytic CO2reduction.


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    :Bifunctional metal–organic frameworks toward photocatalytic CO2reduction by post-synthetic ligand exchange论文
