:Erosion problem in tool steel using cold box core-making process论文

:Erosion problem in tool steel using cold box core-making process论文


作者(2019)在《Erosion problem in tool steel using cold box core-making process》一文中研究指出:This paper presents the erosion results of the AISI H13 steel impinged by resin-bonded silica sand,using a testing rig that closely simulates the real blowing conditions during industrial core-making. Steel specimens were heat treated to obtain hardness of 294,445 and 595 HV200(29,45 and 55 HRC). Erosion tests were carried out at impingement angles from 20° to 90° and air drag pressures of 1.38,2.07 and 2.76 bar(20,30 and 40 psi). The main results are summarized as follows:(i) The harder material,the lower erosion;(ii) the maximum erosion rate is at 30°;(iii) Little difference in erosion rate at impact angle of 60° and 90° for a constant pressure tested regardless of the hardness level;(iv) As the pressure increases,so does the erosion rate,being more sensitive for low impact angles. Finally,a differential form of the general erosion equation is applied on a practical core-making case to evaluate the erosion rate of the H13 steel at 30° and 90° impingement angles.


This paper presents the erosion results of the AISI H13 steel impinged by resin-bonded silica sand,using a testing rig that closely simulates the real blowing conditions during industrial core-making. Steel specimens were heat treated to obtain hardness of 294,445 and 595 HV200(29,45 and 55 HRC). Erosion tests were carried out at impingement angles from 20° to 90° and air drag pressures of 1.38,2.07 and 2.76 bar(20,30 and 40 psi). The main results are summarized as follows:(i) The harder material,the lower erosion;(ii) the maximum erosion rate is at 30°;(iii) Little difference in erosion rate at impact angle of 60° and 90° for a constant pressure tested regardless of the hardness level;(iv) As the pressure increases,so does the erosion rate,being more sensitive for low impact angles. Finally,a differential form of the general erosion equation is applied on a practical core-making case to evaluate the erosion rate of the H13 steel at 30° and 90° impingement angles.


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    :Erosion problem in tool steel using cold box core-making process论文
