:A carbazole-hemicyanine dye based ratiometric fluorescent probe for selective detection of bisulfite(HSO3-)in cells and C. elegans论文

:A carbazole-hemicyanine dye based ratiometric fluorescent probe for selective detection of bisulfite(HSO3-)in cells and C. elegans论文


作者(2019)在《A carbazole-hemicyanine dye based ratiometric fluorescent probe for selective detection of bisulfite(HSO3-)in cells and C. elegans》一文中研究指出:Bisulfite(HSO3) is an important sulfur dioxide(SO2) derivative, which plays a major role in many physiological processes and is also closely associated with a variety of diseases. Thus the development of highly selective and sensitive fluorescent probes is essential to detect HSO3 in living cells. In this work,we report the synthesis and analysis of a ratiometric fluorescent probe for selective detection of HSO3 based on the 1,4-nucleophilic addition reaction with the carbazole as an electron donor(D) and aldehyde group as an electron acceptor(A). The addition of HSO3 and other ions to our probe can be observed by UV vis and fluorescence spectrometry. Our investigation proved that the probe is highly selective and sensitive for HSO3 and ratiometric changes. Moreover, the probe has good cell permeability and was successfully applied to the detection of exogenous HSO3 in Hela cells and C. elegans.


Bisulfite(HSO3) is an important sulfur dioxide(SO2) derivative, which plays a major role in many physiological processes and is also closely associated with a variety of diseases. Thus the development of highly selective and sensitive fluorescent probes is essential to detect HSO3 in living cells. In this work,we report the synthesis and analysis of a ratiometric fluorescent probe for selective detection of HSO3 based on the 1,4-nucleophilic addition reaction with the carbazole as an electron donor(D) and aldehyde group as an electron acceptor(A). The addition of HSO3 and other ions to our probe can be observed by UV vis and fluorescence spectrometry. Our investigation proved that the probe is highly selective and sensitive for HSO3 and ratiometric changes. Moreover, the probe has good cell permeability and was successfully applied to the detection of exogenous HSO3 in Hela cells and C. elegans.


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    :A carbazole-hemicyanine dye based ratiometric fluorescent probe for selective detection of bisulfite(HSO3-)in cells and C. elegans论文
