:Wheat research and breeding in the new era of a high-quality reference genome论文

:Wheat research and breeding in the new era of a high-quality reference genome论文


作者(2019)在《Wheat research and breeding in the new era of a high-quality reference genome》一文中研究指出:The publications of the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium(IWGSC) released in August 2018 are reviewed and placed into the context of developments arising from the availability of the highquality wheat genome assembly.


The publications of the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium(IWGSC) released in August 2018 are reviewed and placed into the context of developments arising from the availability of the highquality wheat genome assembly.


  • [1].Determination of critical nitrogen dilution curve based on leaf area index for winter wheat in the Guanzhong Plain, Northwest China[J]. QIANG Sheng-cai,ZHANG Fu-cang,Miles Dyck,ZHANG Yan,XIANG You-zhen,FAN Jun-liang.  Journal of Integrative Agriculture.2019(10)
  • [2].Winter wheat identification by integrating spectral and temporal information derived from multi-resolution remote sensing data[J]. ZHANG Xi-wang,LIU Jian-feng,Zhenyue Qin,QIN Fen.  Journal of Integrative Agriculture.2019(11)
  • [3].Yield Gap Analysis of Wheat in Rice-wheat Rotation Regions of Anhui Province,China[J]. Xianfang HE,Li ZHAO,Ze LIU,Muhammad SAJJAD,Jianlai WANG.  Asian Agricultural Research.2019(11)
  • [4].Breeding new cultivars for sustainable wheat production[J]. Hongjie Li,Timothy D.Murray,Robert A.McIntosh,Yang Zhou.  The Crop Journal.2019(06)
  • [5].Wheat breeding in northern China: Achievements and technical advances[J]. Hongjie Li,Yang Zhou,Wenli Xin,Yiqin Wei,Junling Zhang,Lilei Guo.  The Crop Journal.2019(06)
  • [6].Diversity and sub-functionalization of TaGW8 homoeologs hold potential for genetic yield improvement in wheat[J]. Lin Ma,Chenyang Hao,Hongxia Liu,Jian Hou,Tian Li,Xueyong Zhang.  The Crop Journal.2019(06)
  • [7].Integrated transcriptomics and metabolomics analyses provide insights into cold stress response in wheat[J]. Yong Zhao,Meng Zhou,Ke Xu,Jiahao Li,Shanshan Li,Shuhua Zhang,Xueju Yang.  The Crop Journal.2019(06)
  • [8].The Crop Journal General Table of Contents Volume 7 2019[J].   The Crop Journal.2019(06)
  • [9].Identifying changes in the wheat kernel proteome under heat stress using iTRAQ[J]. Yufeng Zhang,Hongyao Lou,Dandan Guo,Ruiqi Zhang,Meng Su,Zhenghong Hou,Haiying Zhou,Rongqi Liang,Chaojie Xie,Mingshan You,Baoyun Li.  The Crop Journal.2018(06)
  • [10].Accumulation of glycolipids in wheat grain and their role in hardness during grain development[J]. Haixia Qin,Dongyun Ma,Xin Huang,Jie Zhang,Wan Sun,Gege Hou,Chenyang Wang,Tiancai Guo.  The Crop Journal.2019(01)
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    :Wheat research and breeding in the new era of a high-quality reference genome论文
