:Origin of trondhjemite and albitite at the expense of A-type granite,Aravalli orogen, India:Evidence from new metasomatic replacement fronts论文

:Origin of trondhjemite and albitite at the expense of A-type granite,Aravalli orogen, India:Evidence from new metasomatic replacement fronts论文


作者(2019)在《Origin of trondhjemite and albitite at the expense of A-type granite,Aravalli orogen, India:Evidence from new metasomatic replacement fronts》一文中研究指出:The A-type Harsora-Dadikar granites in the Alwar complex of northern Aravalli orogen,NW India provide evidence for subsolidus-requilibration of feldspars.They record three new discrete stages of albitisation,producing trondhjemite and albitite sequentially at the expense of original granite.Stage-Ⅰ metasomatism deanorthised the magmatic oligoclase and transformed the grey least-albitised granite to pinkish grey microcline-oligoclase granite.Stage-II converted the latter to trondhjemite by replacement of microcline to oligoclase.Stage-Ⅲ metasomatism led to the formation of albitite/albite granite from trondhjemite,where the metasomatically formed oligoclase was replaced by albite.This stage of metasomatism resulted in nearly complete disappearance of amphibole and biotite,producing a monomineralic rock(albitite),which is consistent with Korzhinskii theory of infiltration metasomatism.The reaction fronts delineating the Stage-Ⅱ and Stage-Ⅲ are sharp and easily discernible by their prominent color differences in Harsora on the outcrop scale.Chemically,the mineral transformations during three stages are manifested by the differential gains/losses in Na,K,Ca,Rb,Ba,Sr,Fe and Mg.The formation of albite,Cl-rich marialitic scapolite and Cl-rich amphibole in the albitised granites are suggestive of Naand Cl-brines as the metasomatising fluids.The fluid-rock interactions,which can significantly transform the pristine mineralogy of granitoids,should be carefully considered to avoid any misinterpretations about their petrological history.


The A-type Harsora-Dadikar granites in the Alwar complex of northern Aravalli orogen,NW India provide evidence for subsolidus-requilibration of feldspars.They record three new discrete stages of albitisation,producing trondhjemite and albitite sequentially at the expense of original granite.Stage-Ⅰ metasomatism deanorthised the magmatic oligoclase and transformed the grey least-albitised granite to pinkish grey microcline-oligoclase granite.Stage-II converted the latter to trondhjemite by replacement of microcline to oligoclase.Stage-Ⅲ metasomatism led to the formation of albitite/albite granite from trondhjemite,where the metasomatically formed oligoclase was replaced by albite.This stage of metasomatism resulted in nearly complete disappearance of amphibole and biotite,producing a monomineralic rock(albitite),which is consistent with Korzhinskii theory of infiltration metasomatism.The reaction fronts delineating the Stage-Ⅱ and Stage-Ⅲ are sharp and easily discernible by their prominent color differences in Harsora on the outcrop scale.Chemically,the mineral transformations during three stages are manifested by the differential gains/losses in Na,K,Ca,Rb,Ba,Sr,Fe and Mg.The formation of albite,Cl-rich marialitic scapolite and Cl-rich amphibole in the albitised granites are suggestive of Naand Cl-brines as the metasomatising fluids.The fluid-rock interactions,which can significantly transform the pristine mineralogy of granitoids,should be carefully considered to avoid any misinterpretations about their petrological history.


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    :Origin of trondhjemite and albitite at the expense of A-type granite,Aravalli orogen, India:Evidence from new metasomatic replacement fronts论文
