:Baculovirus-expressed FAdV-4 penton base protein protects chicken against hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome论文

:Baculovirus-expressed FAdV-4 penton base protein protects chicken against hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome论文


作者(2019)在《Baculovirus-expressed FAdV-4 penton base protein protects chicken against hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome》一文中研究指出:Hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome(HHS) is an infectious disease caused by fowl adenovirus serotype 4(FAdV-4). Several structural and non-structural proteins of FAdV-4 have been expressed in Escherichia coli and baculovirus expression system to develop candidate subunit vaccines. However, the protective efficiency of baculovirus-expressed penton base protein has not been assessed. In this study, two recombinant capsid proteins, penton base and fiber-2, were constructed. And then, penton base and fiber-2 were administrated alone or together to specific pathogen-free(SPF) chickens at 14 days of life and boosted at 28 days of life. At 42 days of life, the immunized groups and the control group were challenged with FAdV-4 virulent strain. Results show that inoculating penton base or penton base+fiber-2 provided 100% protection to the chickens. All groups vaccinated with the recombinant protein produced detectable antibodies and showed no apparent lesions. Thus, baculovirus-expressed penton base protein is a promising candidate subunit vaccine.


Hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome(HHS) is an infectious disease caused by fowl adenovirus serotype 4(FAdV-4). Several structural and non-structural proteins of FAdV-4 have been expressed in Escherichia coli and baculovirus expression system to develop candidate subunit vaccines. However, the protective efficiency of baculovirus-expressed penton base protein has not been assessed. In this study, two recombinant capsid proteins, penton base and fiber-2, were constructed. And then, penton base and fiber-2 were administrated alone or together to specific pathogen-free(SPF) chickens at 14 days of life and boosted at 28 days of life. At 42 days of life, the immunized groups and the control group were challenged with FAdV-4 virulent strain. Results show that inoculating penton base or penton base+fiber-2 provided 100% protection to the chickens. All groups vaccinated with the recombinant protein produced detectable antibodies and showed no apparent lesions. Thus, baculovirus-expressed penton base protein is a promising candidate subunit vaccine.


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    :Baculovirus-expressed FAdV-4 penton base protein protects chicken against hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome论文
