:Influence of drying technique on chemical composition and ruminal degradability of subtropical Cajanus cajan L.论文

:Influence of drying technique on chemical composition and ruminal degradability of subtropical Cajanus cajan L.论文


作者(2019)在《Influence of drying technique on chemical composition and ruminal degradability of subtropical Cajanus cajan L.》一文中研究指出:The experiment investigated the influence of forage drying methods on the dry-matter digestibility of foliage from Cajanus cajan varieties(ICEAP 00557, ICEAP 01514 and CIMMYT100/01). These leaves were harvested at week 20 of growth and either oven-or shade-dried and analysed for chemical components and rumen degradability. Three rumen fistulated lactating Holstein cows(430 ± 18 kg live weight) were used to evaluate ruminal degradation kinetics using in vitro and in sacco procedures. Samples were incubated for 0, 4, 8, 12, 24, 30 and 48 h in vitro(Ⅳ DaisyⅡ) procedure. In the in sacco procedure, samples were incubated for 0, 4, 8, 12, 24, 30 and 48 h in the rumen of cows. Dry matter disappearance(DMD)data for both measures were fitted to the equation Y = a + b(1 -e-ct), where b is the slowly degradable fraction and c is the degradation rate constant, to approximate rumen degradability characteristics of varieties. Shade dried leaves contained higher crude protein(CP)(P < 0.05) than oven dried leaves. Oven drying method increased(P < 0.05) neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen(NDIN) and acid detergent insoluble nitrogen(ADIN) content of varieties. However, shade drying method gave the higher concentration of NDIN and ADIN. Drying technique had no effect(P > 0.05) on ash, neutral detergent fiber(NDF), acid detergent fiber(ADF) and acid detergent lignin(ADL) of varieties. Drying method did not affect(P > 0.05) calcium(Ca) and phosphorus(P) concentration in the forage dry matter. Drying method had no effect(P > 0.05) on b and c of all varieties during in vitro procedure. However, shade-drying method increased(P < 0.05) b and c of all varieties during in sacco procedure. It was concluded that shade-drying, in contrast to oven-drying, would be the most suitable method as it improves the nutritive value of the forage for ruminants.


The experiment investigated the influence of forage drying methods on the dry-matter digestibility of foliage from Cajanus cajan varieties(ICEAP 00557, ICEAP 01514 and CIMMYT100/01). These leaves were harvested at week 20 of growth and either oven-or shade-dried and analysed for chemical components and rumen degradability. Three rumen fistulated lactating Holstein cows(430 ± 18 kg live weight) were used to evaluate ruminal degradation kinetics using in vitro and in sacco procedures. Samples were incubated for 0, 4, 8, 12, 24, 30 and 48 h in vitro(Ⅳ DaisyⅡ) procedure. In the in sacco procedure, samples were incubated for 0, 4, 8, 12, 24, 30 and 48 h in the rumen of cows. Dry matter disappearance(DMD)data for both measures were fitted to the equation Y = a + b(1 -e-ct), where b is the slowly degradable fraction and c is the degradation rate constant, to approximate rumen degradability characteristics of varieties. Shade dried leaves contained higher crude protein(CP)(P < 0.05) than oven dried leaves. Oven drying method increased(P < 0.05) neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen(NDIN) and acid detergent insoluble nitrogen(ADIN) content of varieties. However, shade drying method gave the higher concentration of NDIN and ADIN. Drying technique had no effect(P > 0.05) on ash, neutral detergent fiber(NDF), acid detergent fiber(ADF) and acid detergent lignin(ADL) of varieties. Drying method did not affect(P > 0.05) calcium(Ca) and phosphorus(P) concentration in the forage dry matter. Drying method had no effect(P > 0.05) on b and c of all varieties during in vitro procedure. However, shade-drying method increased(P < 0.05) b and c of all varieties during in sacco procedure. It was concluded that shade-drying, in contrast to oven-drying, would be the most suitable method as it improves the nutritive value of the forage for ruminants.


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    :Influence of drying technique on chemical composition and ruminal degradability of subtropical Cajanus cajan L.论文
