作者邹长伟,谢伟,刘贵昂(2019)在《The Effects of Surface Oxidation Layer on the Structure and High Speed Milling Performance of CrAlSiN Based Multilayer Nano-composite Coating Tools》一文中研究指出:MeSiN based nanocomposite coating has high hardness,high toughness,excellent high temperature stability and high red hardness,oxidation resistance of the advantages,which makes it suitable for high sp
MeSiN based nanocomposite coating has high hardness,high toughness,excellent high temperature stability and high red hardness,oxidation resistance of the advantages,which makes it suitable for high sp
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邹长伟:The Effects of Surface Oxidation Layer on the Structure and High Speed Milling Performance of CrAlSiN Based Multilayer Nano-composite Coating Tools论文