:Newly developed two-dimensional materials for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution论文

:Newly developed two-dimensional materials for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution论文


作者(2019)在《Newly developed two-dimensional materials for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution》一文中研究指出:Due to the increasing environmental and energy issues,hydrogen,as a clean and non-carbon energy source,has received more and more attention in the past decades.Photocatalysis has been known as a promising approach for hydrogen generation and a key measure in solving serious environmental problems.Different from traditional catalysts,such as ZnO and TiO2,two-dimensional(2D)materials display unique advantages to hydrogen production due to their large specific surface area,high charge migration rate.


Due to the increasing environmental and energy issues,hydrogen,as a clean and non-carbon energy source,has received more and more attention in the past decades.Photocatalysis has been known as a promising approach for hydrogen generation and a key measure in solving serious environmental problems.Different from traditional catalysts,such as ZnO and TiO2,two-dimensional(2D)materials display unique advantages to hydrogen production due to their large specific surface area,high charge migration rate.


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    :Newly developed two-dimensional materials for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution论文
