李欣雨:Ecological Insights from Wolf Totem论文

李欣雨:Ecological Insights from Wolf Totem论文


作者李欣雨(2019)在《Ecological Insights from Wolf Totem》一文中研究指出:This paper tries to explore the ecological teachings in Wolf Totem. The causes of current environmental problems are analyzed, and the importance of environmental protection is stressed. This paper makes clear that the relationship between man and nature is not domination and being dominated, conquest and conquered, but interdependence, peaceful coexistence and mutual promotion. Let’s work together to prevent the grassland tragedy from happening again.


This paper tries to explore the ecological teachings in Wolf Totem. The causes of current environmental problems are analyzed, and the importance of environmental protection is stressed. This paper makes clear that the relationship between man and nature is not domination and being dominated, conquest and conquered, but interdependence, peaceful coexistence and mutual promotion. Let’s work together to prevent the grassland tragedy from happening again.


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    李欣雨:Ecological Insights from Wolf Totem论文
