蔺云霞,张娟,夏阳,徐玲[1](2018)在《近视程度与扫描激光偏振仪测量神经纤维层厚度相关性分析》一文中研究指出目的:应用扫描激光偏振仪(SLP)(GDx ECC)测量近视眼患者视网膜神经纤维层(RNFL)厚度,探讨近视眼RNFL厚度与等效球镜度数和眼轴长度的关系。方法:采用横断面研究。将近视眼患者147例(147眼)根据等效球镜(SE)度数分为3组,其中低度近视眼组26例26眼(-0.5 D≥SE>-3.0 D),中度近视眼组64例64眼(-3.0 D≥SE>-6.0D)和高度近视眼组57例57眼(-6.0 D≥SE≥-13.0 D)。应用SLP测量近视眼患者视乳头周围(TSNIT)RNFL厚度,采用单因素方差分析比较3组RNFL厚度,用偏相关分析来分析RNFL厚度与等效球镜度数、眼轴长度的相关性。结果:3组TSNIT平均RNFL厚度、上方和下方的平均RNFL厚度、TSNIT标准差和神经纤维指数(NFI)差异均无统计学意义。TSNIT平均RNFL厚度、上方和下方的平均RNFL厚度、TSNIT标准差和NFI与等效球镜度数、眼轴长度均无相关性。结论:应用SLP测得近视眼患者的TSNIT平均RNFL厚度、上方和下方的平均RNFL厚度、TSNIT标准差和NFI与等效球镜度数及眼轴长度无显着相关性,SLP测量的RNFL参数可能作为近视眼合并青光眼患者早期诊断的重要参考指标。(本文来源于《沈阳医学院学报》期刊2018年02期)
邱坤良[2](2009)在《扫描激光偏振仪出现不典型双折射模式的预测因素》一文中研究指出背景与目的:青光眼是致盲的一大原因,且由于其损害的不可逆性,因此青光眼的早期诊断显得尤其重要。扫描激光偏振仪是近年来发展的应用于眼科临床的影像学新技术,为临床上青光眼的早期诊断和进展监测提供了重要的作用。不典型双折射模式(ABP)被认为是扫描激光偏振仪扫描的图片假象,能明显影响RNFL厚度的测量。因此,确定扫描激光偏振仪ABP的预测因素对于该技术在青光眼诊断上的应用尤为重要。本研究拟应用扫描激光偏振仪(GDx VCC和GDx ECC)对正常人和青光眼患者进行RNFL的测量从而探讨不典型双折射模式的潜在预测因素(眼轴长度、年龄、视盘旁萎缩等)。方法:我们对82名正常人和97名青光眼患者的179只眼进行了研究。对每一眼的视网膜神经纤维层厚度依次进行GDx VCC和GDx ECC扫描。使用单因素和多因素相关回归分析评估典型扫描分数(TSS)与年龄、屈光度数、视盘旁萎缩(PPA)、眼轴长度、青光眼疾病程度之间的关系。结果:在GDx ECC中,有9眼(5%)存在ABP,而在GDx VCC中,有43只眼(23.5%)存在ABP。在GDx VCC和ECC中,TSS均与年龄,眼轴长度,屈光度数,视盘旁萎缩明显相关(所有p≤0.003),而与视野平均偏差无明显相关。多因素回归分析结果显示在GDx VCC中,当去除年龄的影响后,眼轴长度和PPA均与TSS明显相关。而在GDx ECC中,在去除其它因素影响后只有眼轴长度与TSS明显相关。结论:在GDx VCC中,ABP的出现与PPA和眼轴长度有关。而在GDx ECC中,ABP的出现只与眼轴长度有关。GDx VCC和ECC中ABP的出现均与年龄和青光眼视野指标(MD)无关。本研究的结果提示眼轴长度是预测ABP出现的重要因素,近视眼(尤其是高度近视眼)在GDx VCC和ECC中均更易出现ABP图像。由于ABP图像能够明显影响GDx检测青光眼的能力,因此临床上,对于近视眼的GDx报告需注意是否存在ABP图像。(本文来源于《汕头大学》期刊2009-05-01)
Bagga,H.,Greenfield,D.S.,Feuer,W.J.,司冰心[3](2005)在《可调节角膜补偿的扫描激光偏振测量法对不典型双折射图像的定量评估》一文中研究指出PURPOSE: To define the clinical characteristics of atypical birefringence imag es and to describe a quantitative method for their identification. DESIGN: Prosp ective, comparative, clinical observational study.METHODS: Normal and glaucomato us eyes underwent complete examination, standard automated perimetry, scanning l aser polarimetry with variable corneal compensation (GDx-VCC), and optical cohe rence tomography (OCT) of the macula, peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (R NFL), and optic disk. Eyes were classified into two groups: normal birefringence pattern (NBP) and atypical birefringence pattern (ABP). Clinical, functional, a nd structural characteristics were assessed separately. A multiple logistic regr ession model was used to predict eyes with ABP on the basis of a quantitative sc an score generated by a support vector machine (SVM) with GDx-VCC.RESULTS: Sixt y-five eyes of 65 patients were enrolled. ABP images were observed in 5 of 20 ( 25%) normal eyes and 23 of 45 (51%) glaucomatous eyes. Compared with eyes with NBP, glaucomatous eyes with ABP demonstrated significantly lower SVM scores (P< .0001,< 0.0001, 0.008, 0.03, and 0.03, respectively) and greater temporal, mean , inferior, and nasal RNFL thickness using GDx-VCC; and a weaker correlation wi th OCT generated RNFL thickness (R2=.75 vs. 27). ABP images were significantly c orrelated with older age (R2=.16, P=.001). The SVM score was the only significan t (P< .0001) predictor of ABP images and provided high discriminating power betw een eyes with NBP and ABP (area under the receiver operator characteristic curve =0.98). CONCLUSIONS: ABP images exist in a subset of normal and glaucomatous eye s, are associated with older patient age, and produce an artifactual increase in RNFL thickness using GDx-VCC. The SVM score is highly predictive of ABP images .(本文来源于《世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册》期刊2005年08期)
Frenkel,S.,Slonim,E.,Horani,A.,E.Z.,Blumenthal,杨秀梅[4](2005)在《操作者的学习效果及内感受器的可重复性在应用可调角膜代偿的扫描激光偏振仪过程中的研究》一文中研究指出Purpose: To ascertain operator learning effect, and to quantify the interoperator reproducibility, using the newly introduced GDx VCC (variable corneal compensator) scanning laser polarimeter. Design: Prospective instrument validation study. Participants: Three operators with no prior experience in operating the GDx VCC examined one randomly chosen eye of each of 30 randomly ordered subjects (15 glaucoma patients and 15 normal subjects). Methods: Each study eye was scanned by the 3 operators in a random sequence during a single session. Five GDx parameters were analyzed: TSNIT (temporal, superior, nasal, inferior, temporal) Average, TSNIT Standard Deviation (SD), Superior Average, Inferior Average, and Nerve Fiber Indicator (NFI). Main Outcome Measures: Retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness GDx parameters across operators. Results: A learning effect was not found for any of the operators for any of the 5 GDx parameters studied. Reproducibility for each GDx parameter was measured as the mean SD value of the measurements taken by the 3 operators. Interoperator reproducibilities for normal and glaucomatous eyes, respectively, were 0.8 and 1.6 μ m (TSNIT Average), 1.7 and 2.2 μ m (Superior Average), 1.6 and 2.7 μ m (Inferior Average), 1.3 and 1.7 μ m (TSNIT SD), and 1.4 and 4.6 μ m (NFI). The data obtained by each operator were highly correlated with those of the other 2 operators. Conclusions: With the commercially availableGDxVCC, a learning effect was not found for 3 novice operators. In addition, RNFL measurements seem highly reproducible across operators.(本文来源于《世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册》期刊2005年07期)
Choplin,N,T,,Schallhorn,S,C[5](2005)在《通用补偿扫描激光偏振仪检测法发现高度近视患者LASIK术后视网膜神经纤维层无改变》一文中研究指出Scanning laser polarimetry (SLP) estimates retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) th ickness through measurement of retardation of polarized light passing through th e birefringent RNFL and cornea. A compensation method is incorporated to elimina te the anterior segment contribution to the total birefringence measured. LASIK is a technique that corrects myopia by ablating corneal tissue. This study evalu ated RNFL measurements before and after LASIK as determined by SLP with a new cu stom compensation device set for the individual cornea before and after ablation . Interventional case series. Patients underwent SLP measurements before and 30 days after LASIK for high myopia with customized compensation for anterior segme nt birefringence. Postoperative measurements were obtained with both the same co mpensation as was used preoperatively and with newly determined customized compe nsation. Standard RNFL parameters obtained before and after ablation with custom ized compensation were compared by use of paired Student’s t tests with Bonferr oni's correction for multiple comparisons. Postoperative measurements were also compared with those obtained preoperatively with the same corneal compensation measures as used preoperatively. Retinal nerve fiber layer parameters as determi ned by SLP before and after LASIK with 2 custom cornea compensator settings post operatively. Fifty-seven eyes of 29 patients with myopia >-5.00 diopters under went LASIK (average central ablation depth 101±11.3 μm). None of the 13 parame ters showed statistically significant differences between preoperative and posto perative values with individually determined corneal compensation. When the preo perative corneal compensation was used postoperatively, 10 of 13 parameters were significantly changed. Comparison of the compensator settings before and after LASIK showed substantial differences in some individuals. On the average, there was a statistically significant change in the slow polarization axis of the corn ea, with no statistically significant change in the magnitude of the birefringen ce, with some eyes showing increases and others decreases. The change in an indi vidual cornea could not be predicted. Changes in RNFL measurements by SLP observ ed after LASIK in patients with high myopia are due to changes in corneal birefringence. These R NFL changes are not seen when customized compensation is applied for the cornea. Thus, LASIK does change the corneal birefringence but does not affect the RNFL.(本文来源于《世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册》期刊2005年05期)
Reus,N,J,,Lemij,H,G[6](2005)在《青光眼患者未发病眼视网膜神经纤维层的扫描激光偏振仪研究》一文中研究指出To compare scanning laser polarimetry (SLP) measurements of retinal nerve fibe r layer (RNFL) thickness in perimetrically unaffected eyes of glaucoma patients with those in their fellow eyes with field loss and eyes of healthy subjects. Ob servational case-control study. Twenty-three glaucoma patients with a reproduc ible visual field (VF) defect in one eye (mean mean deviation, -5.71 decibels] ) and a normal VF in the other one (i.e., ≤1 VF test point below the 5%probabi lity levelan MD, -0.01 dB]) and 73 control eyes of as many agematched healthy subjects (mean MD, 0.39 dB). The MDs and pattern standard deviations of the glau coma patients' eyes with normal VFs and the control eyes did not statistically s ignifi-cantly differ (independent samples t test, P = 0.15 and P = 0.61, respec tively). All subjects were measured in both eyes with the GDxVCC, a commercially available instrument featuring SLP with automated variable corneal compensation . Standard automated perimetrywas assessed by means of the Humphrey Field Analyz er (24-2 Full Threshold or Swedishinteractive threshold algorithm Standard achr omatic test program). The standard GDxVCC parameters TSNIT (temporal, superior, nasal, inferior, temporal) Average, Superior Average, Inferior Average, TSNIT St d. Dev., and Nerve Fiber Indicator (NFI) were determined. We also assessed the t hickness values in 6 parapapillary sectors. In addition, we calculated the propo rtion of eyes per group with an NFI of < 40. GDxVCC measurements showed more RNF L thinning in the perimetrically unaffected eyes of glaucoma patients than in th e healthy control eyes. The RNFL in the perimetrically unaffected eyes of glauco ma patients was thicker than that in their felloweyeswith field loss. TheNFI had a value of <40 in 11 of 23 (47.8%) perimetrically unaffected eyes of glaucoma patients, 19 of 23 (82.6%) eyes with VF loss of glaucoma patients, and 3 of 73 (4.1%) healthy control eyes. With the GDxVCC, thinning of the RNFL may be detec ted in perimetrically unaffected eyes of glaucoma patients with field loss in th eir fellow eyes. (c) 2004 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.(本文来源于《世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册》期刊2005年03期)
张少娟,Kremmer,S,Zadow,T,Steuhl,K,-P[7](2005)在《扫描激光偏振仪在近视和远视患者中的应用》一文中研究指出Purpose:To investigate the effect o f refraction error and axial length on retinal nerve fiber l ayer(RNFL)measure-ments as obtained by scanning laser p olarimetry(SLP).Methods:Besides ophthalmological standard examination(refractive error,keratometry,vis ual acuity,slit-lamp examination,applanation tonometr y,funduscopy),perimetry,axial length measuremen t by means of ultra-sound,and SLP were performed.Seven ty-five myopic eyes(between-0.75D and -8.5D ),24hyperopic eyes(0.75D -6.5D )and 40emmetropic eyes were investigated.SLP parameters were c ompared in the dif-ferent groups.Results:The statistical analysis of the ab-solute thickness values of SLP revealed highly significant (P<0.01)reductions in average thickness,ellipse av-erage,superior average,inferior a verage,and superior integral in both myopic and hyperopi c eyes in comparison with the emmetropic control eyes.The amount of reduction was between 12.9%(inferior average;myopia)and30.2%(superior integral;hyperopia).There were no significant differences between my opes and hyperopes.A significant linear correlation for many of the SLP parameters with the refractive error(spherical equivalent )but not with axial length was found in both the hyp eropic and the myopic group.Conclusions:Despite a wide i nterindividual range,SLP measurement values decrease with increasing myopia and hyperopia.In clinical practice,such reduced RNFL thickness values should be viewed wi th the necessary cau-tion and additional polarimetric signs for glaucomatous damage should be taken into consideration.(本文来源于《世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册》期刊2005年01期)
訾玉祥,李凯军,李贵仁[8](2001)在《应用激光偏振扫描技术评价青光眼患者的视网膜神经纤维层》一文中研究指出视网膜神经纤维层 (RNFL)的测定技术是鉴别和诊断青光眼的重要方法之一。但以往多数医生采用临床标准的RNFL技术诊断青光眼的准确性却有差异 ,可能采用先进的仪器检查有助于正确测定RNFL ,因此 ,Trible等采用激光偏振扫描仪测定RNFL ,评价其诊断的准确性 ;分别有 3位眼科医生独立采用几种测定RNFL的方法 ,比较了激光偏振扫描术与其他方法诊断青光眼的准确性 ,认为激光偏振扫描技术能独立、客观正确地鉴别青光眼患者与正常人 ,用于判断青光眼患者的预后和评价治疗效果都有广阔的临床应用前景。(本文来源于《山东医大基础医学院学报》期刊2001年02期)
背景与目的:青光眼是致盲的一大原因,且由于其损害的不可逆性,因此青光眼的早期诊断显得尤其重要。扫描激光偏振仪是近年来发展的应用于眼科临床的影像学新技术,为临床上青光眼的早期诊断和进展监测提供了重要的作用。不典型双折射模式(ABP)被认为是扫描激光偏振仪扫描的图片假象,能明显影响RNFL厚度的测量。因此,确定扫描激光偏振仪ABP的预测因素对于该技术在青光眼诊断上的应用尤为重要。本研究拟应用扫描激光偏振仪(GDx VCC和GDx ECC)对正常人和青光眼患者进行RNFL的测量从而探讨不典型双折射模式的潜在预测因素(眼轴长度、年龄、视盘旁萎缩等)。方法:我们对82名正常人和97名青光眼患者的179只眼进行了研究。对每一眼的视网膜神经纤维层厚度依次进行GDx VCC和GDx ECC扫描。使用单因素和多因素相关回归分析评估典型扫描分数(TSS)与年龄、屈光度数、视盘旁萎缩(PPA)、眼轴长度、青光眼疾病程度之间的关系。结果:在GDx ECC中,有9眼(5%)存在ABP,而在GDx VCC中,有43只眼(23.5%)存在ABP。在GDx VCC和ECC中,TSS均与年龄,眼轴长度,屈光度数,视盘旁萎缩明显相关(所有p≤0.003),而与视野平均偏差无明显相关。多因素回归分析结果显示在GDx VCC中,当去除年龄的影响后,眼轴长度和PPA均与TSS明显相关。而在GDx ECC中,在去除其它因素影响后只有眼轴长度与TSS明显相关。结论:在GDx VCC中,ABP的出现与PPA和眼轴长度有关。而在GDx ECC中,ABP的出现只与眼轴长度有关。GDx VCC和ECC中ABP的出现均与年龄和青光眼视野指标(MD)无关。本研究的结果提示眼轴长度是预测ABP出现的重要因素,近视眼(尤其是高度近视眼)在GDx VCC和ECC中均更易出现ABP图像。由于ABP图像能够明显影响GDx检测青光眼的能力,因此临床上,对于近视眼的GDx报告需注意是否存在ABP图像。
标签:近视眼; 等效球镜度数; 眼轴长度; 视网膜神经纤维层厚度;