:Cloning,expression and characterization of a novel MC-degrading gene from indigenous bacterial论文

:Cloning,expression and characterization of a novel MC-degrading gene from indigenous bacterial论文


作者(2019)在《Cloning,expression and characterization of a novel MC-degrading gene from indigenous bacterial》一文中研究指出:Microcystin-LR(MC-LR) produced by freshwater cyanobacterial,is the most toxic and abundant among the more than 100 MC variants which has attracted global attention.Biodegradation is a cost-effective a


Microcystin-LR(MC-LR) produced by freshwater cyanobacterial,is the most toxic and abundant among the more than 100 MC variants which has attracted global attention.Biodegradation is a cost-effective a


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    :Cloning,expression and characterization of a novel MC-degrading gene from indigenous bacterial论文
