
- 答:The house on mango street is a very beautiful pure poetry ", a novel, "茄乱含颤笑ing-of-age, in writing about the pursuit of reality and spiritual home. It posed by several dozens of short story, a short one, one thing, a dream, a cloud, a few trees, several feeling, is described with approximate child tone, sometimes the author will tactfully to express the life. Here you can know that a child'陪橘s imagination, a child's attitude toward life, a child's heart passion, her carefully, and feeling of life without stint, society and life. Life is so confusing, it can let a group of people find language, and let another group of people lost. But it is really wonderful, it tries to make a person in the edge, but he is behind. But it is not bad.
- 答:不是有陆谷孙的前言和黄梅等人的几篇导读么,稍消搜顷拿陆微摘一下,再翻译一下不就有了。。。有品味漏渗,跟我读一样的书 O(∩_∩)O哈哈~
- 答:jjjsljdslfjdsjljlijdskjlkjvsljdlkjflkjjslajsdkjfkoflajldkjjsaojfjskahsdkakkjbhkahkhdesjhdkhkjakhgjhakhkdjk;kaaafkjhkjahkfhkjnkahnsikvmhakfdkj.
- 答:今年河南高一的英语书上貌似有一篇..去网上查查应该有..