作者(2019)在《Boundary Layer Flow over a Curved Surface Imbedded in Porous Medium》一文中研究指出:This research is made to visualize the boundary layer flow by a curved stretching sheet embedded in porous medium. The geometry is bended(curved), therefore the curvilinear coordinates are used to model the present problem.Fluid is electrically conducting with the presence of uniform magnetic field. The governing non-linear partial differential equation reduces to non-linear ordinary differential equations by using the dimensionless suitable transformations. The numerical solutions are obtained by using the method bvp4c from MATLAB. The effects of curvature parameter, nondimensional magnetic parameter, and porosity parameter on the velocity field and skin friction coefficient are examined.The skin friction profile enhances with enhancing the values of porosity and magnetic parameter. Comparison of the present results with the existing results in the literature for the flat surface is also given.
This research is made to visualize the boundary layer flow by a curved stretching sheet embedded in porous medium. The geometry is bended(curved), therefore the curvilinear coordinates are used to model the present problem.Fluid is electrically conducting with the presence of uniform magnetic field. The governing non-linear partial differential equation reduces to non-linear ordinary differential equations by using the dimensionless suitable transformations. The numerical solutions are obtained by using the method bvp4c from MATLAB. The effects of curvature parameter, nondimensional magnetic parameter, and porosity parameter on the velocity field and skin friction coefficient are examined.The skin friction profile enhances with enhancing the values of porosity and magnetic parameter. Comparison of the present results with the existing results in the literature for the flat surface is also given.
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标签:Communications in Theoretical Physics2019年03期论文;
:Boundary Layer Flow over a Curved Surface Imbedded in Porous Medium论文