:Neonatal vitamin A injection promotes cattle muscle growth and increases oxidative muscle fibers论文

:Neonatal vitamin A injection promotes cattle muscle growth and increases oxidative muscle fibers论文


作者(2019)在《Neonatal vitamin A injection promotes cattle muscle growth and increases oxidative muscle fibers》一文中研究指出:Background: Vitamin A and its metabolite,retinoic acid(RA),are important regulators of cell differentiation and organ morphogenesis.Its impact on beef cattle muscle growth remains undefined.Method: Angus steer calves were administrated with 0(control) or 150,000 IU vitamin A(retinyl palmitate in glycerol,i.m.) per calf at birth and 1 month of age.At 2 months of age,a biopsy of the Biceps femoris muscle was obtained to analyze the immediate effects of vitamin A injection on myogenic capacity of muscle cells.The resulting steers were harvested at 14 months of age.Results: Vitamin A administration increased cattle growth at 2 months.At 2 months of age,Vitamin A increased PAX7 positive satellite cells and the expression of myogenic marker genes including PAX7,MYF5,MYOD and MYOG.Muscle derived mononuclear cells were further isolated and induced myogenesis in vitro.More myotubes and a higher degree of myogenesis was observed in vitamin A groups.Consistently,vitamin A increased Latissimus dorsi(LD) muscle fiber size at harvest.In addition,vitamin A increased the ratio of oxidative type I and type IIA fibers and reduced the glycolic type IIX fibers.Furthermore,we found that RA,a key bioactive metabolite of vitamin A,activated PPARGC1 A promoter,which explains the upregulated expression of PPARGC1 A in skeletal muscle.Conclusion: Vitamin A administration to neonatal calves enhanced postnatal muscle growth by promoting myogenesis and increasing satellite cell density,accompanied with a shift to oxidative muscle fibers.


Background: Vitamin A and its metabolite,retinoic acid(RA),are important regulators of cell differentiation and organ morphogenesis.Its impact on beef cattle muscle growth remains undefined.Method: Angus steer calves were administrated with 0(control) or 150,000 IU vitamin A(retinyl palmitate in glycerol,i.m.) per calf at birth and 1 month of age.At 2 months of age,a biopsy of the Biceps femoris muscle was obtained to analyze the immediate effects of vitamin A injection on myogenic capacity of muscle cells.The resulting steers were harvested at 14 months of age.Results: Vitamin A administration increased cattle growth at 2 months.At 2 months of age,Vitamin A increased PAX7 positive satellite cells and the expression of myogenic marker genes including PAX7,MYF5,MYOD and MYOG.Muscle derived mononuclear cells were further isolated and induced myogenesis in vitro.More myotubes and a higher degree of myogenesis was observed in vitamin A groups.Consistently,vitamin A increased Latissimus dorsi(LD) muscle fiber size at harvest.In addition,vitamin A increased the ratio of oxidative type I and type IIA fibers and reduced the glycolic type IIX fibers.Furthermore,we found that RA,a key bioactive metabolite of vitamin A,activated PPARGC1 A promoter,which explains the upregulated expression of PPARGC1 A in skeletal muscle.Conclusion: Vitamin A administration to neonatal calves enhanced postnatal muscle growth by promoting myogenesis and increasing satellite cell density,accompanied with a shift to oxidative muscle fibers.


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    :Neonatal vitamin A injection promotes cattle muscle growth and increases oxidative muscle fibers论文
