作者(2019)在《Research on optimal drive joints configuration of a rolling robot of closed five-bow-shaped-bar linkage》一文中研究指出:The relationship between the stability and the configuration of the driving joint was studied as a measure to improve the stability of robot.The Lagrange dynamic equation of the robot was established.According to the principle of virtual work,the least squares solution of each joint torque was obtained.The relationship between the stability of the robot and the configuration of the driving joint is obtained by the sum of the norms of the joint torque.Finally,numerical simulations verify the correctness of the theory.
The relationship between the stability and the configuration of the driving joint was studied as a measure to improve the stability of robot.The Lagrange dynamic equation of the robot was established.According to the principle of virtual work,the least squares solution of each joint torque was obtained.The relationship between the stability of the robot and the configuration of the driving joint is obtained by the sum of the norms of the joint torque.Finally,numerical simulations verify the correctness of the theory.
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:Research on optimal drive joints configuration of a rolling robot of closed five-bow-shaped-bar linkage论文