:Identification and QTL mapping of Z550, a rice backcrossed inbred line with increased grains per panicle论文

:Identification and QTL mapping of Z550, a rice backcrossed inbred line with increased grains per panicle论文


作者(2019)在《Identification and QTL mapping of Z550, a rice backcrossed inbred line with increased grains per panicle》一文中研究指出:An elite backcrossed inbred line Z550 with increased grains per panicle was identified from advanced backcrosses between Nipponbare and Xihui 18 by simple sequence repeat(SSR) marker-assisted selection(MAS). Z550 carries 13 substitution segments distributed on chromosomes 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12, with an average substitution length of 1.68 Mb. Compared with the Nipponbare parental line, plant height, panicle length, spikelets per panicle, grains per panicle, and grain weight for Z550 were significantly increased. While the grain width of Z550 was significantly narrower, and the seed setting ratio(81.43%) was significantly lower than that of Nipponbare, it is still sufficient for breeding purposes. Quantitative trait loci(QTLs) mapping for important agronomic traits was conducted with the F2 population derived from Nipponbare crossed with Z550 using the restricted maximum likelihood(REML) method. A total of 16, including 12 previously unreported QTLs were detected, with contribution rates ranging from 1.46 to 10.49%. Grains per panicle was controlled by 8 QTLs, 5 of which increased number of grains whereas 3 decreased it. qGPP-1, with the largest contribution(10.49%), was estimated to increase grains per panicle by 30.67, while q GPP-9, with the minimum contribution rate(2.47%), had an effect of increasing grains per panicle by 15.79. These results will be useful for further development of single segment substitution lines with major QTLs, and for research of their molecular functions via QTL cloning.


An elite backcrossed inbred line Z550 with increased grains per panicle was identified from advanced backcrosses between Nipponbare and Xihui 18 by simple sequence repeat(SSR) marker-assisted selection(MAS). Z550 carries 13 substitution segments distributed on chromosomes 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12, with an average substitution length of 1.68 Mb. Compared with the Nipponbare parental line, plant height, panicle length, spikelets per panicle, grains per panicle, and grain weight for Z550 were significantly increased. While the grain width of Z550 was significantly narrower, and the seed setting ratio(81.43%) was significantly lower than that of Nipponbare, it is still sufficient for breeding purposes. Quantitative trait loci(QTLs) mapping for important agronomic traits was conducted with the F2 population derived from Nipponbare crossed with Z550 using the restricted maximum likelihood(REML) method. A total of 16, including 12 previously unreported QTLs were detected, with contribution rates ranging from 1.46 to 10.49%. Grains per panicle was controlled by 8 QTLs, 5 of which increased number of grains whereas 3 decreased it. qGPP-1, with the largest contribution(10.49%), was estimated to increase grains per panicle by 30.67, while q GPP-9, with the minimum contribution rate(2.47%), had an effect of increasing grains per panicle by 15.79. These results will be useful for further development of single segment substitution lines with major QTLs, and for research of their molecular functions via QTL cloning.


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    :Identification and QTL mapping of Z550, a rice backcrossed inbred line with increased grains per panicle论文
