

  1. 答:The controversy on the safety of ic foods has continued to be debated from the beginning.Generally speaking, there is no accurate evidence to prove and indicate the ic foods are absolutely dangerous or safe for the human life. Therefore, how to regard and treat the ic foods has e the concerned issue for national people and food enterprises. This paper, based on analysing the harms upon environment, agriculture and biodiversity caused by the production and sale condition of the ic foods, intends to tell consumers how to face mercialization and internationalization of ic foods.
  2. 答:Abstract: ically modified food from it appeared at the time, the dispute continued to its security since. No conclusive evidence that it may do harm to human and no evidence that it absolute safety. How to treat the ically modified food became the various countries' people and foodstuff enterprises have thought and attention problems. This article from ically modified food production, sales situation of environmental, agricultural and biological diversity and human itself may produce all kinds of "harm" to tell consumers to face mercialization and internationalization of ically modified food, etc.
  1. 答:Abstract: Behavior of teachers in the teaching classroom, including manner in ognanizaitons of teaching contents and way of implement teaching from the main aspect, representing in words and deeds of teachers from secondary aspect, then we can see the relations of behavior in the teaching classroom and qualities of teaching from this. This text researches behavior in the teaching classroom that affects impacts of teaching and analyses transform trends of behavior in the teaching classroom now. The purpose is finding behavior in the teaching classroom which is in favor of improving qualities of teaching.See defects and encourage ourself, know more and do better in practice.Keywords: behavior in the teaching classroom, behavior problem in the teaching classroom, transform trends
  2. 答:Teachers' teaching behaviors, including teachers of the aspects of teaching content, anization, implementation method and small aspect is in words and deeds of teachers, teaching behavior and the relationship between the quality of classroom teaching is obvious. Proceeding from the classroom teaching behavior problems, affects the effect of classroom teaching, teaching conduct analysis of the current teaching behavior change trend, its purpose is to enhance the quality of classroom teaching differentiates the classroom behavior, and develop the defects, and practice.
  3. 答:Abstract:The behaviors(conducts)of teachers in instruction, on a larger scale embrace ways ainzaion in teaching's content along with meathods to carry out instruction, on a smaller scale, is performed in the words and deeds , therefore, the conducts teaching in class obviously correlate with the qulity of instruction in class. This article starts with the problems of teaching behaviours in class and thouroughly researched instruction conducts affecting the quality of teaching in class, analysing the transform trends of the conducts in instruction in class in order to distingush conducts in class improving the quality in teaching to avoiding flaws and put the theory into practice.
  4. 答:The teachers' teaching behavior in the classes includes not only anizing forms and teaching ways of the teaching content in the big aspect,but also in every word and action of the teachers.It also has a close connection to the quality of teaching.From the aspect of the teaching behaviors,this thesis mainly deeply discusses the behaviors which influences the teaching effects and then analyses the change trend of it.It aims to find out the way that can improve the quality of teaching so that the teachers can improve themselves.
  1. 答:Middle and primary school curriculum system of traditional Chinese painting with zhejiang reflection of primary and secondary school art - for example basing textbooks This paper mainly by zhejiang based schools as research object, the fine arts teaching material for the traditional Chinese painting course education stage obligation to understand and reflect. The overall point of view, the development of curriculum objectives, curriculum content, curriculum order. To explore the course for children interesting; When training students' Chinese painting expression, to appreciate the ability to aspects of the logic. The aim is to deepen the understanding, for textbooks I my teaching ability raise
  2. 答:Title: Reflection of Chinese Painting Course System for Elementary and Secondary School-take Zhemei Art Materials as an example
    Abstract: this dissertation considers Zhemei Art Materials as the objective prehend and review the traditional Chinese painting course during pulsory education period. The content, goals and orders of the course are treated entirely and dynamically to probe into the interest to the kids from the course and cultivate the logistics on the expression of Chinese traditional painting and the appreciation ability. Therefore it can serve as prehend this material profoundly and enhance the teaching abilities.
