作者(2019)在《Ionic Liquids in Energy and Environment》一文中研究指出:Ionic liquids (ILs) have received a great deal of attention because they are less-volatile, less-flammable, have low toxicity and unique solubility for many organic and inorganic materials,and these properties allow them to be used in various fields of
Ionic liquids (ILs) have received a great deal of attention because they are less-volatile, less-flammable, have low toxicity and unique solubility for many organic and inorganic materials,and these properties allow them to be used in various fields of
[1].Preparation and Characterization of New Type Ionic Liquids[J]. Qing Hai CAI, Yong Kui SHAN*, Li Yi DAI, Bi Xia SU, Ming Yuan HE Center for chemistry of ionic liquid, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062.  Chinese Chemical Letters.2003(05)[2].Characterization of Ionic Conducting Cross-linked Polyether Electrolytes[J]. 陈国荣.  Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science.2005(04)[3].Investigation and Preparation of Novel Ionic Sieve for Extracting Neodymium[J]. 那平,刘剑锋,张海燕,王榕树.  Journal of Rare Earths.2005(S1)[4].Ionic Liquid Solvent Based on Cyclic Guanidinium Cation for Nucleophilic Displacement Reactions[J]. LIN Ying-jie 2, QIU Zhi-ming 2, DUAN Hai-feng 2, LI Sheng-hai 2 and ZHANG Suo-bo 1* 1. State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130022, P. R. China; 2. College of Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun 130023, P. R. China.  Chemical Research in Chinese Universities.2004(01)[5].Electrochemical Reduction of Benzoylformic Acid in Ionic Liquid[J]. 陆嘉星,孙茜,何鸣元.  Chinese Journal of Chemistry.2003(09)[6].Ionic Liquid Studies Lead to New Ways of Urea Derivative Synthesis[J].   Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.2003(04)[7].Synthesis,Structure and Ionic Conductivity of La2/3-xLi3xMoO4[J]. 蒋凯,王海霞,任引哲,郭崇峰,孟健,任玉芳,苏锵.  Journal of Rare Earths.2003(04)[8].Preparation of the Solid Electrolytes Li4+xAlxSi1-xO4-yAl2O3 by the Sol-Gel Method and Study of Their Ionic Conductivity[J]. 陈汝芬,宋秀芹.  Chinese Journal of Chemistry.2002(01)[9].Immobilization of Pd(II) Catalysts for Cyclopropanation in Ionic Liquid[J]. 杨帆,张仰明,仇文卫,汤杰,何鸣元.  Chinese Journal of Chemistry.2002(01)[10].Preparation of Li4.4Al0.4Si0.6O4-xLi3BO3 Solid Electrolytes by Sol-Gel Method and Their Ionic Conductivity[J]. 刘华亭,陈汝芬,宋秀芹.  Chinese Journal of Chemistry.2002(12)
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:Ionic Liquids in Energy and Environment论文