作者(2019)在《Minimizing serrated flow in Al-Mg alloys by electroplasticity》一文中研究指出:Serrated flow under the influence of electroplasticity in Al-Mg alloys is investigated within the dynamic strain aging interpretations of the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect. The stability of plastic region is extended by the pulsed electric current with the increase of critical strain and the extension of waiting time.Meanwhile, the dislocation density, affecting the plastic instabilities due to the interaction between solute atoms and mobile dislocations, is greatly reduced, which plays a dominant role in the suppression of serrated flow.
Serrated flow under the influence of electroplasticity in Al-Mg alloys is investigated within the dynamic strain aging interpretations of the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect. The stability of plastic region is extended by the pulsed electric current with the increase of critical strain and the extension of waiting time.Meanwhile, the dislocation density, affecting the plastic instabilities due to the interaction between solute atoms and mobile dislocations, is greatly reduced, which plays a dominant role in the suppression of serrated flow.
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:Minimizing serrated flow in Al-Mg alloys by electroplasticity论文