作者(2019)在《Preparation of CuS/BiVO4 thin film and its efficacious photoelectrochemical performance in hydrogen generation》一文中研究指出:To drive photoelectrochemical water splitting on porous BiVO4 photoanode, we herein prepared a carnationlike CuS powder by hydrothermal method and then loaded it onto BiVO4 photoelectrode. Expectedly, the CuS/BiVO4 composite not only presents a higher photocurrent response value at 1.23 V versus RHE(reversible hydrogen electrode) than pure BiVO4 electrode under visible light irradiation, but also exhibits an excellent photoelectrochemical hydrogen production activity in comparison with either the BiVO4 or the CuS. The high ameliorated performance of CuS/BiVO4 composite may be due to the strong absorption of visible light and an effective abatement in combination of carriers. These results demonstrate an effective potential approach to design and construct efficient photoelectrochemical(PEC) systems.
To drive photoelectrochemical water splitting on porous BiVO4 photoanode, we herein prepared a carnationlike CuS powder by hydrothermal method and then loaded it onto BiVO4 photoelectrode. Expectedly, the CuS/BiVO4 composite not only presents a higher photocurrent response value at 1.23 V versus RHE(reversible hydrogen electrode) than pure BiVO4 electrode under visible light irradiation, but also exhibits an excellent photoelectrochemical hydrogen production activity in comparison with either the BiVO4 or the CuS. The high ameliorated performance of CuS/BiVO4 composite may be due to the strong absorption of visible light and an effective abatement in combination of carriers. These results demonstrate an effective potential approach to design and construct efficient photoelectrochemical(PEC) systems.
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:Preparation of CuS/BiVO4 thin film and its efficacious photoelectrochemical performance in hydrogen generation论文