Acta Oceanologica Sinica2019年08期论文
:The sub-fossils of leaf fragments in sediments as an indicator of mangrove development in the Yingluo Bay, Guangxi, Southwest China over the last 130 years论文
本文主要研究内容作者(2019)在《Thesub-fossilsofleaffragmentsinsedimentsasanindicatorofmangrovedevelop...:Fast acclimation of phytoplankton assemblies to acute salinity stress in the Jiulong River Estuary论文
本文主要研究内容作者(2019)在《FastacclimationofphytoplanktonassembliestoacutesalinitystressintheJiul...:Changes in sea ice kinematics in the Arctic outflow region and their associations with Arctic Northeast Passage accessibility论文